


CCCAF Scholarship Donation

The CCCAF Scholarship assists dependent children of CPOA/CGEA members in defraying expenses incurred at a university, college, or vocational school of acceptance. Applicants participate in an essay contest, with the subject having been selected at the CPOA/CGEA Annual Convention. A Committee consisting of CPOA and CGEA members reads and scores all submitted essays. Five grants listed below will be awarded to individuals submitting the top entries.

  • 1st. $5000.00
  • 2nd. $2500.00
  • 3rd. $1000.00
  • 4th. $1000.00
  • 5th. $1000.00

CPOA or CGEA Donation


Your generous donation will help support the many missions and charities that CPOA and CGEA members assist every year. From helping local Coast Guard families during an isolated crisis or giving underprivileged families in the local communities a holiday celebration. We are always working to make our community a better place for everyone. 

You will have a choice to select the organization for your donation in the form.

Thank you for considering a donation.