Military retirees and veterans receiving disability payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will see their paychecks go up by 5.9% for 2022, triggered by inflation and an annual adjustment to the federal Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).
That annual adjustment has averaged around 1.5% for the last 10 years. The adjustment rate was announced Wednesday by the Social Security Administration. The VA is required by law to alter disability payment rates by that amount. While military retirement is not legally required to follow suit, the change is traditionally the same. For 2022, retired military members will see a $59 increase for each $1,000 of military retirement pension they receive each month.
Retirees who entered military service on or after Aug. 1, 1986, and opted for the Career Status Bonus (CSB/Redux retirement plan) have any COLA increases reduced by 1%, so they will see a smaller increase in 2022. They should see a monthly increase of only $49 per $1,000. Survivors receiving Survivor Benefit Plan payments will see the same increase of $59 per $1,000 in their monthly payments.