Tax Exemptions

Can Chapters and Branches accept tax-exempt donations?

The CPOA is a designated 501(c)(19) veterans’ not-for-profit organization.  CPOA Chapters and Branches are authorized to receive tax-deductible donations.

For further information, please refer to the IRS Tax Guide for Veteran’s Organizations:

If a vendor you’re working with requests documentation, please contact the Executive Director at: [email protected] who can provide what is needed. Many times, all a vendor needs is for you to provide them a W-9 with your Chapter/Branch Name, physical address, and Employee Identification Number (EIN). Block 3 should be checked “other” and then “501(c)19” in the blank. Sometimes, they may request National’s non-profit designation letter. Our Articles of Incorporation or ability to fundraise IRS document letter may help you as well.

The Executive Director manages all aspects of each Chapter/Branch Tax ID number, or EIN. At the beginning of each year, he or she will reach out to Chapter/Branch leadership through the Regional Advisors, requesting your Gross Receipt Report, stating whether your Chapter/Branch made more or less than $50K in the previous calendar year. If you made more than $50K, your Chapter/Branch will be required to file taxes using your EIN. If not, your EIN will fall under our Group Exemption and the Executive Director will submit your annual 990-N (e-postcard) to the IRS.

If you have any questions concerning your EIN or proper reporting requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact the National Office at (703) 941-0395, or send the Executive Director an e-mail.

Exemptions from State Tax: Our Federal tax-exempt status does not exempt Chapters and Branches from paying State sales tax on purchases.