Convention Attendee Information

If you’re coming to Convention, here’s some helpful information and guides to ensure you know what to expect.

Don’t forget to bring your passport!


As we will be onboard a Cruise ship, an industry regulated by the Coast Guard, active-duty members will not be required, or allowed to be uniform as this would be perceived as a conflict of interest.

Disclaimer: Our trip was planned through a travel agency and we were given the normal group rates per standard ship billing. We have been given no favors or any extra privileges due to our military status. All convention attendees are required to wear civilian attire with CPOA logo shirts, if possible.

2024 CONVENTION SCHEDULE (tentative)

On Monday, we hold a Luncheon to Honor our Past Presidents and Gold Lifetime Members who are in attendance. Although not mandatory, all are invited.
If you didn’t register, please contact our Convention Chair, Amy Ponce, and she will try to ensure you’re seated.

President’s Dinner dress will be civilian business attire.


Communication While Onboard

As this is a very large ship and attendees will be scattered about, we’ve decided to use a “Linktree Mobile App” while onboard.
Here’s a QR code that you can take a look at now.  Just open up your smart phone camera and hover over the QR code. It will take you to our daily schedule.

Onboard, we’ll have this App posted in numerous places in hopes it will keep you abreast to last minute changes.
Printed copies of the schedule will be in the convention magazine as well.

Robert’s Rules

What are Robert’s Rules? Robert’s Rules of Order parliamentary procedure is based on the consideration of the rights of the majority, of the minority (especially a large minority greater than one-third), of individual members, of absentee members, of all of these groups taken together. Friday evening, Senior Chief Charlie Womack (ret) will hold a brief Parliamentary Procedures Familiarization and Convention familiarization session from 1900-2100.

Here’s a quick video 

Here’s a helpful, quick reference guide in .pdf format

Standing Rules

Fundamental Motions


Break out sessions

Breakout sessions allow teams to gather and discuss important Association matters that you may be interested in such as:

CCCAF – Our Association scholarship. Members come up with next year’s essay topic. Review application procedures, make recommendations for change as needed.  Review finances, make recommendations for number of scholarships and the amount.

Budget – Member input on next year’s budget. Make recommendations for possible upgraded accounting software and ways to help ease the workload. Overview our finances and ensure current dues are keeping up with the times.

ConventionInput into where to hold future Conventions. Review all registration procedures recommend changes as needed as well as the convention procedures and Convention events.

Long-Range PlanningThe long-view look and recommendations for our Association heading into the future. Think up to 5 years ahead. What can help grow and manage our association for many years to come.

MembershipAll things membership, including how best to grow and increase membership. Review our membership software and make recommendations for the future.

Special ProjectsIdeas on how Chapters and Branches can utilize our network to increase exposure to products/fundraising ideas. Review THE CHIEF for Ad content. Make recommendations for submitted request from Chapters and submit ideas for items at the National level.

CPO AcademyHow best to continue to support the Chief Petty Officers Academy. Recommend ways to increase CPOA exposure at the Academy.

CGEAAll things CGEA. How to develop, mentor, and grow. Review Procedures Manual to ensure it is not in conflict with the CPOA as its parent association.

Convention Committee Reports

After the break-out sessions, one representative will need to write/type out a report on what the committee recommends and will present it to all attendees.  A thumb drive will be provided which includes previous Convention reports.

Here are the minutes from our 2023 Convention that includes Committee Reports.

Committee Reports


CPOA National Ops Man
Chapter Officer Guide


Our valued sponsors and partners

Our Platinum Sponsor – First Command