

Effective 1 January 2023: Annual national dues are $48. Please select one (1) of the payment options below.

Option 1: Online Payment
Enjoy the convenience of paying dues online (note this method incurs a convenience fee of $2.00). Payments securely processed by Stripe.


Option 2: Allotment

Active Duty:

  1. Log in to DA and establish an allotment for Chief Petty Officer Assn Uscg for a minimum of $4.00.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Chief Petty Officer Assn Uscg and set your minimum monthly allotment for $4.00 to begin on the 1st of the month.
  3. Take a screenshot of your My Voluntary Deductions page showing 1) your name and 2) the CPOA/CGEA allotment line item; other line items may be redacted. Additional details can be found on our “Allotment” page.
  4. Email 1) your completed CPOA/CGEA membership application and 2) your My Voluntary Deductions page to [email protected] or [email protected] for processing. Failure to submit a CPOA/CGEA application after establishing an allotment may delay processing.


PPC-Preferred: Please email USCG PPC at [email protected] and let them know you would like to start an allotment for CPOA/CGEA member dues with the Chief Petty Officer Assn Uscg for $4.00 per month effective the 1st of the next pay month.

Alternatively, you may contact PPC at 1 (866) 772-8724 and ask to speak with a pay technician.



Option 3: Mail

Complete the CPOA/CGEA application and mail, along with your check or money order payable to CPOA for $48:

U. S. Coast Guard CPOA/CGEA
Attn: Membership Coordinator
5520-G Hempstead Way
Springfield, VA 22151

*Silver Lifetime Memberships are available to all National Members as follows:
Up to age 39 – $800.00
40 to 54 – $750.00
55 or over – $700.00

All Silver Lifetime purchases are via check, mailed to the National Office.